
Our volunteers from Chandigarh, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jalna, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Rishikesh, and Thane take every opportunity to interact with people. We leave no public place behind - be it train stations, parks, markets, playgrounds, or traffic stops - to start conversations and spark curiosity. 

We propose the simple but courageous act of switching to a plant-based diet as a solution to the climate, animal, and health crises we are facing. We have done silent activism with just placards in our hands, leaflet.

  • Street Activism

  • Activism with Mascot

  • Truck Activism

  • Tabling

  • Chalktivism


Our young, creative and dedicated minds carry out outreaches at some of the most unusual places and educate people about animal rights, speciesism and the importance of a plant-based diet. Local trains, metro, roadside, beaches, traffic signals, local markets, fish markets and spots like shopping malls and buses were seen to be converted to outreach grounds.

Potlucks, Food Tasting and Food Distribution

We show people that it’s very easy and affordable to switch to a plant-based, cruelty-free, and vegan diet. We convince them through facts and real-life examples that one does not have to depend on dairy and meat for sensory pleasure or even nutritional requirements. 

Our teams conduct regular potluck dinners, food tasting events, and food distribution drives where we serve vegan food and establish the fact that it is as tasty and nutritious (if not more) as non-vegan food. Our vegan cake tasting events especially do a great job of convincing people.


We conduct a series of educational workshops on various topics including the role of plant-based diets and their role in mitigating climate change, educating children and other individuals to be more mindful in their actions and many more. By conducting these workshops, we are helping to raise awareness about these important issues and encouraging people to consider making more sustainable and healthy choices in their life.

Our Campaigns

Our campaigns are focused on spreading the message of compassion. With various campaigns running across diverse topics, our aim is to make every other individual aware of the various wrongs that the animal industry is perpetuating for profits.

Starting from Vegan for Regan, Stop Animal Gifting to Wake Up World and the ongoing campaign for the revolutionary Plant Based Treaty, the organisation has been able to reach millions of people. We have been successful in educating the masses, making them aware, and opening their eyes to the grim reality of animal agriculture.

With constant support of the people, public figures, celebrities, politicians, institution heads, activists, volunteers, and of course our core team members we have managed to conduct successful endorsements, awareness drives, food distribution, movie screenings, city endorsements, and institutional collaborations.

Our interactive events have not only planted a seed of compassion in people’s minds but also helped many of them convert to veganism and adopt a healthy, conscious, and sustainable lifestyle.

The happy and curious faces of the participants say all about our success. Have a look at the campaigns’ gallery.

Look at our ongoing campaigns:

Plant Based Treaty


The Plant Based Treaty, a companion to the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement, is focused to put food systems at the heart of fighting the climate crisis. It aims to stop the widespread degradation of ecosystems caused by animal agriculture, to promote a shift to healthier, more sustainable plant-based diets and to actively reverse the damage done to planetary functions, ecosystem services and biodiversity.

We believe in 3 core principles:

  • Relinquish- Stop the problem from increasing

  • Redirect- Eliminate what drives the problem

  • Restore- Actively heal the problem and restore the climate

Our Work:

Plant Based Treaty is one of the most widespread campaigns in India. We reach out to individuals, influencers, organisations, businesses, etc. and introduce the Plant Based Treaty and the benefits it can have on the overall health and quality of the ecosystem and mitigate the climate crisis.

This campaign was also represented at COP27 Summit in Egypt, in 2022 to get a wider reach and we got to interact and connect with a lot of change-makers from across the globe. Wikipedia also took note of it and dedicated a specific space to highlight our work.

As a companion to the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement, the Plant Based Treaty is a landmark international treaty and first of its kind to put food systems at the heart of combating the climate crisis.

Indian celebrity Anushka Manchanda aka Kiss Nuka explains why she endorses the #PlantBasedTreaty and why YOU should too.

We have a climate emergency but each one of us can be part of the solution. Indian actress Sadaa Sayed explains how.

Stop Animal Gifting


The Stop Animal Gifting campaign aims to discourage people from gifting animals to underprivileged communities and instead gift plant-based alternatives. The World Land Trust describes animal gifting as, ‘environmentally unsound and economically disastrous’.

The animal agriculture industry is so cruel that it hardly has any humanity left in it. Your ‘gift animal’ has to go through the ordeal of separation, selective breeding, artificial insemination before and slaughter after landing at the destination.

Our Work:

Stop Animal Gifting campaign was launched in India after a thorough investigation by Aprajita Ashish and the team in Mayurbhanj, Odisha. We bring this campaign into focus during festivals and special occasions where gifting is given more importance and animals are treated as commodities.

Indian actress Sadaa Sayed explains why you should NOT buy animals as gifts through charity organizations.

When you gift a tree instead, it’s better for the environment, for human health, and does not involve animal cruelty.

Vegan For Regan


Regan Russell, 65, was brutally struck and killed by a truck transporting pigs in front of Sofina’s Fearmans slaughterhouse. It was Friday, June 19, 2020 when this incident took place.Regan with other fellow activists regularly attended pig vigils and on this particular day she was there to oppose Ontario’s “ag-gag” Bill 156, which had just passed two days before.

Animal vigils are a unique type of activism. We stand in front of the gates of slaughterhouses, and we see the animals, fearful, and hoping that someone will help them. They're still persons. They're not disassembled yet.

Animal Save Movement demands Justice for Regan Russell by focusing on the below listed goals:

  • Repeal Bill 156 with immediate effect

  • Implement Regan’s Law, a bill of rights seeking legal recognition of personhood and protection for farmed animals

  • Demand Fearmans slaughterhouse agree to an activist safety agreement to prevent future tragedies

  • Defund the animal agriculture industry, and re-direct subsidies to revolutionize a plant-based food system for the benefit for animals, people, and the plane

Activist Regan Russell was killed while trying to call attention to the cruelty of animal agriculture.

What began as a peaceful vigil (giving water to pigs and offering them comfort moments before their death) and protest against “ag-gag” Bill 156 soon ended in horror for vegan activist Regan Russell.

Wake Up World


The campaign aims to open the eyes of fellow people to the suffering and exploitation of non-human animals and to inspire everyone to become agents of change. This campaign runs throughout the year focussing on various topics covering Animal Save, Climate Save and Health Save Movements.