100,000+ voices spoke up for protecting millions of lives against Livestock Bill 2023

The Live-stock and Live-stock Products [Importation and Exportation] Bill, 2023 is a proposed legislation that seeks to regulate the live export of animals from India. It could be passed in the coming months, which will make it legal for Indian farmers and traders to export animals for commercial purposes.

The draft Livestock Bill was put up on the website of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying for public scrutiny on 8th June.

Animal, Climate and Health Save India would firstly like to express discomfort over the usage of the word ‘livestock’ while referring to victims of animal agriculture. Animals exist entirely for their own sake, and are not commodities for humans to use to their benefit.

The draft does not leave a single animal or bird out of it’s jurisdiction.

The draft is proposing that the government will have all the power to choose what gets imported, where it gets imported from, and how much to import.

It has riled up animal lovers and activists since then, resulting in Tweetstorms, Whatsapp forwards, and Social Media Campaigns demanding the bill’s immediate withdrawal. The last day to submit suggestions or objections to the bill was 18th June. 

In a voice message drafted by an animal rights group, actress Zeenat Aman said, “I’m requesting each one of you to participate in today’s Twitterthon in protest of a move that will legalise live animal transport with all its horrific cruelty…” 

Celebs join the movement

Actress Jaya Bhattacharya tweeted “Instead of passing bills to create safety for their lives this!!!!??? Where are we headed to Kindly STOP @PMOIndia, @Min_FAHD @Dept_of_AHD,” tagging the Prime Minister of India and the Animal Husbandry Department. 

Popular Telugu actress Rashmi Gautam reshared @animalsaveindia’s reel on her Instagram story and urged her million-strong fans to send emails, too.

Sadaa Sayed, an Indian actress known for her bold stance towards animal rights was quoted saying, “Millions of innocent lives will suffer if this bill turns into law. Let us prevent any more injustices towards animals - they are here with us not for us.”

In response to the draft, Animal Climate and Health Save India designed and launched a campaign. A link and a QR code were created, which upon clicking or scanning, would open a pre-constructed petition in the form of an email which the users can review, edit, and send to the designated officials. Within 24 hours the campaign was able to amass 50,000+ petitions.

What the email said -

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed plan to legalize the export of live animals from India. I believe that this move would have serious consequences for animal rights, public health, and our constitutional values. Therefore, I urge you to take immediate action to ban live animal exports from India. 

There are several reasons why live animal exports should be banned. First, it is extremely cruel to transport animals over long distances and across borders. Many animals are crammed into small spaces without access to food or water for days on end. This causes immense suffering and distress to these sentient beings, which is not only inhumane but also violates their basic rights. 

Second, exporting live animals for slaughter is against the principles of Ahimsa (non-violence) and compassion that are deeply rooted in Indian culture and traditions. It is also against the teachings of various religions that advocate respect for all forms of life. As a country that values its cultural heritage, we should not allow such practices that go against our core values. 

Third, the transportation of live animals over long distances poses a serious risk to public health. Animals are often transported in unsanitary conditions, which can increase the risk of disease transmission to humans. This is especially concerning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has shown how easily zoonotic diseases can spread from animals to humans. 

Fourth, the export of live animals can have a negative impact on the environment. The transportation of animals requires a significant amount of fuel, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. This is not only harmful to the environment but also poses a threat to human health and well-being. 

In conclusion, I urge you to reconsider the proposal to legalize live animal exports from India. This move would go against our constitutional values, cultural heritage, and commitment to animal welfare and environmental protection. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. 

I would also like to bring to your attention the Plant Based Treaty, which aims to promote plant-based diets and reduce the negative impact of animal agriculture on the environment. By promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing our consumption of animal products, we can mitigate climate change, improve public health, and promote food security. I urge you to consider supporting this initiative and subsidizing plant-based businesses to promote sustainable food production.

Hope is still alive

Within 24 hours of circulating this message on social media and WhatsApp, 50,000+ emails were sent to government authorities, members of the parliament, and ministers of the animal husbandry department who can take note of our concerns. Other organisations and groups made a similar effort, using the essence of our email draft and generating 10,000+ signed petitions.

Spiritual leaders also raised their voices against the Bill. Devi Chitralekha, an esteemed spiritual leader also took to Instagram and was quoted saying (translated), “India is the land where animals are worshipped as gods and god’s companions. If this Bill passes on this land, it will cause a lot of damage to the nation.”

The deadline has passed, but we hope that our collective effort will prevent this bill from turning into law. Animal Rights have long been ignored and brushed over in the country, it’s time we enable and strengthen policies in favour of non-human animals instead of commodifying them further and increasing their suffering.


Victory for Animal Rights as Livestock Bill 2023 Withdrawn - Over 150,000 Concerns Received by the Authorities