
Animal Save India is proud to have organised numerous campaigns and taken lots of constant initiatives in order to bring the good transformation that the world needs right now.

Starting from Vegan for Regan to Stop Animal Gifting to Wake Up World to the current hot-running campaign, Plant Based Treaty, the organisation has reached millions of people so far educating them, making them aware, and opening their eyes,  allowing them to see the dark side of animal agriculture and the insides of How animal derived/tested products come to the market.

With the constant support of the public, public figures, celebrities, politicians, institution heads,  activists, volunteers and our core team we have managed to conduct successful endorsements, awareness drives, food distribution, movie screenings, city endorsements, and institutional collaborations.

Our interactive events have not planted a seed of compassion in people’s minds but also helped many of them to convert to vegan and follow a healthy, conscious and sustainable lifestyle.

Plant Based Treaty

The Plant Based Treaty, a companion to the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement, is focused to put food systems at the heart of fighting the climate crisis. It aims to stop the widespread degradation of ecosystems caused by animal agriculture, to promote a shift to a healthier, more sustainable plant-based diets and to actively reverse damage done to planetary functions, ecosystem services and biodiversity.

We believe in 3 core principles:

  • Relinquish- Stop the problem to increase

  • Redirect- Eliminate what drives the problem

  • Restore- Actively heal the problem and restore the climate

As a companion to the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement, the Plant Based Treaty is a landmark international treaty and first of its kind to put food systems at the heart of combating the climate crisis.

Indian celebrity Anushka Manchanda aka Kiss Nuka explains why she endorses the #PlantBasedTreaty and why YOU should too.

We have a climate emergency but each one of us can be part of the solution. Indian actress Sadaa Sayed explains how.

Stop Animal Gifting

The Stop Animal Gifting campaign aims to encourage people to be mindful and stop gifting animals and instead gift plant-based alternatives. The World Land Trust describes animal gifting as, ‘environmentally unsound and economically disastrous’.

Animal agriculture industry is so cruel that it hardly has any humanity left in it. Your gift animal has to go through trauma of separation, selective breeding, artificial insemination, slaughtering and many more such unethical, painful and cruel practices before landing in your hands.

Indian actress Sadaa Sayed explains why you should NOT buy animals as gifts through charity organizations.

When you gift a tree instead, it’s better for the environment, for human health, and does not involve animal cruelty.

Development aid charities such as Oxfam International, World Vision, Heifer International and others offer live animals on their gift donation catalogs for helping impoverished communities. It is unfair for the recipients to be forced into a situation where they have no option but to take the life of others in order to survive. Instead, let’s give gifts that are kinder, healthier, and more sustainable!

Ways you can help:

1. Sign our petition at

2. Email, comment, DM charity groups and ask them to #StopAnimalGifting

3. Support projects such as A Well Fed World’s “Plants-4-Hunger” program which aims to end hunger and poverty in a compassionate, climate-friendly way:

Vegan for Regan

Regan Russell, 65, was brutally struck and killed by a truck transporting pigs in front of Sofina’s Fearmans slaughterhouse. It was Friday, June 19, 2020 when this incident took place.Regan with other fellow activists regularly attended pig vigils and on this particular day she was there to oppose Ontario’s “ag-gag” Bill 156, which had just passed two days before.

Animal Save Movement demands Justice for Regan Russell by focusing on the below listed goals:

  • Repeal Bill 156 with immediate effect

  • Implement Regan’s Law, a bill of rights seeking legal recognition of personhood and protection for farmed animals

  • Demand Fearmans slaughterhouse agree to an activist safety agreement to prevent future tragedies

  • Defund the animal agriculture industry, and re-direct subsidies to revolutionize a plant-based food system for the benefit for animals, people, and the planet

Activist Regan Russell was killed while trying to call attention to the cruelty of animal agriculture.

What began as a peaceful vigil (giving water to pigs and offering them comfort moments before their death) and protest against “ag-gag” Bill 156 soon ended in horror for vegan activist Regan Russell.

Animal vigils are a unique type of activism. We stand in front of the gates of slaughterhouses, and we see the animals, fearful, and hoping that someone will help them. They’re still persons. They’re not disassembled yet.
— Anita Krajnc, Founder - Animal Save Movement
The first vigil I went to was in Toronto, and one thing that struck me was not only was there hostility among some of the truck drivers, but there was even hostility among cars going by.
— Shaun Monson - American Film Director and Producer and Activist
Regan Russell spent the final moments of her life providing comfort to pigs who had never experienced the touch of a kind hand. While her tragic death has brought upon deep sorrow in the Animal Save Movement community, we will honor her memory by vigorously confronting the cruelties she fought so hard to prevent by marching with Black Lives, protecting Indigenous rights, fighting for LGBTQ equality, and living a compassionate vegan life. The Ontario government can attempt to silence us with the passage of its Ag-Gag bill -Bill 156 - but we will never go away and we will never back down.
— Joaquin Phoenix - American Actor

Wake Up World

The campaign aims to open the eyes of fellow people to the suffering and exploitation of non-human animals and to inspire everyone to become agents of change. This campaign runs throughout the year focusing on various topics covering Animal Save, Climate Save and Health Save Movement.

Our focus remains in educating people and giving them first hand experience by taking them to local vigils, interrogation, outreaches and many other events.