14th National Animal Rights Day

On June 2, 2024, India joined over 150 cities across 50 countries to observe the 14th National Animal Rights Day (NARD). Organized by "Our Planet. Theirs Too." and co-organized by the Animal Climate and Health Save Foundation, this annual event aims to raise awareness for animal rights and commemorate billions of animals who die every year by human hands. NARD serves as both a "Memorial Day" and "Independence Day" for animals, combining remembrance and celebration.

NARD events were held in more than 25 cities across India, including Rishikesh, Delhi, Bangalore, Bareilly, Guwahati, Jabalpur, Rajkot, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Agra, Dharamshala,Jaipur, Lucknow, Mysuru, Namchi, Nashik, Raipur, Sasaram, Surat, Trivandrum, Vadodara, and Varanasi. These events educated the public about the cruel treatment of animals, alternatives to it, and celebrated the progress being made towards ending animal suffering. 


Nagpur’s NARD event at Walkers Street was a heartfelt tribute to the billions of animals killed every year. Co-organized by Animal Liberation Advocates Nagpur, the event featured lighting diyas and writing messages on streets advocating for animal rights.

Activists passionately engaged passersby, debunking myths, and promoting cruelty-free alternatives. The event concluded with the distribution of sugarcane juice and a collective pledge to continue the fight for animal liberation.


The NARD event in Rishikesh was held at Parmath Niketan Ashram Ghat, attracting a massive crowd. Esteemed guests like Sadhviji Bhagwati Devi, Swami Chidanand Saraswati, and Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan attended  the event.

Participants pledged to follow Ahimsa, and powerful speeches highlighted the cruelty in food, cosmetics, and clothing industries. The ceremony included the lighting of candles and offering of flowers, making it a truly memorable and impactful event. 


Rajkot's NARD 2024 began with a morning march from KKV Chowk to Balbhavan gate. Over 40 participants gathered for a heartfelt ceremony featuring animal rights slogans, poems, and personal experiences.

The event was well-supported by local police, ensuring its success. The event included flower offerings and candle lighting, giving condolences to billions of animals killed every year through human hands.


Guwahati's NARD 2024 was organised at Basishtha. The event focused on educating the youth about the cruelty in the meat and dairy industries. Participants offered flowers and lit candles in memory of the animals.

The event ended with a floral tribute, raising significant awareness about animal rights and the importance of compassion.


In Trivandrum, our activists spread awareness about animal cruelty in various public places. The effort to educate people on Animal Rights Day was commendable. An animal rescuer named Nisha provided some assistance, making the event impactful.

Poems and speeches about the importance of animal rights were shared with the public.


At Palika Bazar, Delhi's NARD event gathered lots of volunteers who came together for a meaningful event. After powerful speeches and reading the declaration, participants signed it and held a symbolic arthi.

The event ended with public outreach and the song "Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai," which left a lasting impression on everyone. Flowers and candles were offered in memory of the animals. 


In Nashik, activists gathered at Kanhere ground to spread awareness about animal cruelty and promote veganism. The event successfully highlighted the significance of National Animal Rights Day, with attendees offering flowers and candles in memory of the animals.

Speeches and poems about animal rights added to the impact of the event.


Ahmedabad's NARD at Kankaria Lake featured a collaboration with Community Street Art. Volunteers painted veganism messages on walls and connected with the public about animal rights.

The event also included a ceremonial offering of flowers and lighting of candles, making it a resounding success. 


Lucknow’s NARD was organised at Janeshwar Mishra Park where our activists engaged with park visitors. They discussed ongoing animal cruelty and the need for animal rights, making the event impactful.

The ceremony included recitation of poems about animal rights. 


Bareilly's NARD at Phoenix Mall attracted attention with slogans on placards. Activists engaged with the crowd, distributed pamphlets, and lit diyas to honor animals.

The event included heartfelt speeches and the offering of flowers, making it a significant effort in raising awareness. 


Bangalore’s NARD event was attended by lots of activists despite rain. Event included music performances, speeches on animal rights, and a candle lighting ceremony.

The event concluded with the reading of the Declaration of Animal Rights and offering flowers, making it a touching tribute to animal lives lost. 


Ludhiana’s NARD at Kipps Market involved multiple NGOs coming together for animals. Participants raised awareness about the impact of animal diets on health and the environment.

The event concluded with a march, declaration signing, and a call to action. Poems and speeches were delivered, and flowers were offered in memory of the animals. 

Sikkim (Namchi)

In Namchi, Sikkim, animal lovers gathered at two locations for NARD, volunteering with passion and dedication. Some volunteers were members of the People for Animals Sikkim NGO. The event began with an opening speech introducing NARD. The program included volunteers reciting poems on animal issues, sharing real-life cruelty cases, and highlighting legal protections for animals. They emphasized Article 51(g) of the Constitution and IPC Sections 428 and 429, which punish animal cruelty. The community dog conflicts and the Supreme Court's ABC 2001 act, mandating animal birth control and rabies vaccination, were also discussed.

The event included the reading of the Declaration of Animal Rights, a one-minute silent prayer for animals lost to cruelty, and offerings of flowers. It concluded with Chalktivism, where volunteers spread awareness about NARD to the public. The volunteers, including students, were enthusiastic and excited to organize an even more iconic event next year. 


Sasaram’s NARD at Anicut, Dehri, began with a visit to Jeev Rakshak Animal Shelter. A silent march followed, with public interactions focusing on animal agriculture's impact on the climate.

The event underscored the commitment to animal rights, with participants offering flowers and lighting candles in memory of the animals.


Dharamshala’s NARD at Dharamkot saw participants engaging in street outreach. The event raised awareness about animal rights and cruelty.

Flowers and candles were offered in memory of the animals, and participants shared heartfelt speeches and poems.

They signed the declaration of animal rights, and had 2 minute silence for animals.


In Agra, our volunteers reached an audience of over 200. The simple service and impactful speeches on animal rights garnered media coverage, making the event highly successful.

Participants offered flowers and lit candles in memory of the animals, creating a powerful and emotional atmosphere.


Mumbai’s NARD at Juhu Beach saw 40 volunteers reach a massive crowd. Activities included a powerful body suit demonstration, tombstone messages, and a funeral service for animals.

The event was highly impactful, with participants offering flowers and lighting candles. Speeches and poems were shared, creating a memorable and significant tribute to animal lives lost. 


In Bhawartal Garden, Jabalpur, everyone came together to acknowledge the cruel killings of animals in various forms. Everyone paid emotional tributes by laying flower garlands on animals. The event saw the presence of special guests like District Bar Association President Mr. Manish Kumar Mishra, Jabalpur Mayor Mr. Jagatbahadur Singh 'Annu,' and BJP North Central Jabalpur MLA Mr. Abhilash Pandey. Along with them, hundreds of animal lovers gathered to commemorate the billions of animals.

Through poems, emotional songs, music, and heart-wrenching messages, the attention of all attendees was drawn to the various forms of painful cruelty inflicted on animals. A declaration of animal rights was also signed by all the attendees.

The documentary film "Maa Ka Doodh," which showcases the cruel practices in the Indian dairy industry affecting cows and buffaloes, was screened. The film deeply moved everyone, bringing this serious issue to their attention. After the screening, everyone was served vegan cream mango shakes.


In Kolkata, our volunteers organized NARD, attracting an audience of around 200 people. The event began with a silent march, where participants carried deceased non-human animals, symbolizing the countless animal lives lost each year. The procession concluded at a designated location, where powerful and moving speeches were delivered, highlighting the importance of animal rights and the need to end animal cruelty.

Following the speeches, a heartfelt burial ceremony was held for the deceased animals, offering a moment of reflection and remembrance for their suffering. This symbolic act aimed to raise awareness about the billions of animals killed annually for human consumption and other purposes. The event successfully engaged the public, fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to animal rights. 


Chennai's NARD saw 25-30 participants, including international activists. The event featured speeches, poems, and a proper funeral for hens, highlighting the importance of animal rights.

Flowers and candles were offered, making the event a touching tribute to animal lives lost. 


Jaipur hosted an indoor NARD event due to extreme heat. The gathering focused on veganism benefits, with long discussions and homemade vegan food.

Participants offered flowers and lit candles, and shared speeches and poems, making the event informative and well-received.


Pune’s NARD had 15-20 volunteers marching on FC Road. The event included a funeral service with deceased fish and chicken heads, and concluded with the Declaration of Animal Rights.

Flowers and candles were offered, and participants shared heartfelt speeches and poems, making it a significant tribute to animal lives lost. 


Vadodara’s NARD involved a small funeral service and outreach. Despite the heat, the volunteers lit candles and prayed, spreading the message of animal rights.

Flowers were offered, and participants shared speeches and poems, making the event a touching and impactful tribute to animal lives lost. 

In total, NARD events in India collectively reached more than 100,000 people and distributed informative leaflets to further the cause of animal rights. The events concluded with the signing of the declaration of animal rights.

Rajeshwar Singh Maini, Country Coordinator, Our Planet, Theirs Too, emphasized the urgency of unity, saying, “Let us shatter all the barriers that divide us and work hand in hand towards the cause of animal liberation.

We must stand up for the innocent beings that share our planet to live free from exploitation.

Let us pledge to make a difference in the world, be the change we wish to see, and create a future where all animals are treated with the respect and compassion they deserve.”

The 14th NARD successfully brought together animal rights communities across India, educating the public and commemorating the lives of animals lost to human activities. This day marks a significant step towards a cruelty-free world and the recognition of animal rights. Our vision is to establish a National Animal Rights Day in every country on Earth, a day that will continue to be observed until all animals are free from enslavement and their rights are established and protected by law.