Want to create an equitable and just society for all living beings?
Go vegan!
We want to achieve a cruelty-free and just society where every animal is liberated.

Animal Save India has a multi-city presence with active chapters in 12+ cities, our ambition is to cover every corner of the country. Animal Save India takes a non-violent love-based approach to remind people about the sentience of non-human animals, and therefore killing them is unfair and morally wrong. We fight for the rights of animals, birds, and fishes and the systemic oppression they suffer at the hands of humans. We also expose how the people employed in these industries are affected by social inequality and unhygienic working conditions.
Animal agriculture has been normalised and ingrained so deeply in our society that we have given a commodity status to non-human animals, not realising that they are also sentient. Through various efforts (listed below), we try to connect with people’s consciences and help them see the cruel reality of animal agriculture.
We visit places where non-human animals can be seen and heard where they are trapped. The majority of people in India have been highly desensitized to the oppression and injustices that non-human animals face in facilities such as dairy farms and slaughterhouses. We bear witness to the suffering of these animals and document it to be shown as an eye-opener for others.
We meet people and start conversations. The aim is to make them think hard and realise how certain animal products like eggs, meat, milk, and leather impact the lives of the animals and the people working in these industries. We take pictures and videos that depict the horrific truth of animal agriculture and show them to people.
It is always our intention to spread awareness about animal rights issues among those who are unaware. Along with starting conversations, we use posters, stickers, and fliers with vegan messaging in places like restaurants and malls across the city. We use chalk to draw and write slogans on streets, parks, pavements, and other public spaces to plant the seed of curiosity.
Often, we try to find an opportunity to rescue non-human animals who are victims of animal agriculture. They can be hens from chicken or egg farms, calves who have been left to die outside dairy farms, and goats and pigs who have high survival potential. We try to rehabilitate the rescued animals in safe sanctuaries.