Transforming Hospitality: Udaipur Leads the Way with Plant-Based Culinary Revolution

Udaipur has taken a significant step by launching the Plant-Based Hospitality Curriculum Course. This event, organized by Animal Climate and Health Save India in collaboration with Veg Voyages, Vegan Travel Asia, UNICEF, and Youth4Water Plus, is set to revolutionize the hospitality industry.

On the first day, an extensive training session was held at the Centre of Excellence for Tourism Training. Students and teachers were introduced to the curriculum through the guidebook, followed by live cooking demonstrations showcasing the versatility of vegan ingredients.

The second day saw the official launch of the Hospitality Curriculum. Renowned chefs, students, and restaurateurs attended the workshop, highlighting the importance of vegan options in addressing environmental concerns and promoting conscious dietary choices.

At IHM Udaipur, students experienced hands-on training in preparing vegan dishes and understanding the impact of food choices on climate change. Distinguished guests such as Mr. Rajkumar from CETT, Mr. Hanuman Prasad from Tourism and Hotel Management, Dr. Meera Mathur from FMS, and Prof Gayatri Tiwari from Home Science graced the occasion.

Why This Curriculum Matters:

Aprajita Ashish, director of Animal Climate and Health Save India, emphasized the transformative nature of this free course. Offering an international certificate, it enhances portfolios while raising awareness about compassionate and healthy plant-based cooking.

The Plant-Based Hospitality Guide Book provides detailed guidance on implementing vegan practices. From creating vegan-friendly kitchens to veganizing menus, it covers all essential aspects. It also explores the health, environmental, and ethical benefits of veganism with practical insights and vegan recipes. Aligned with 8 of the 17 SDGs, this course welcomes participants from diverse backgrounds, including chefs, students, teachers, and culinary enthusiasts.

Be a part of this exciting transformation in hospitality. For more information and enrollment details, fill the below given form, or message us on WhatsApp at +91 9004864016.

Together, let's embrace a sustainable and compassionate future through plant-based cuisine!